Green reusable shopping bag with recycle symbol on white
If you’re looking for certified reusable bags direct from the manufacturer and for the lowest price possible, here’s how it’s done. We specialize in manufacturing branded, certified reusable bags built to your specifications, and we pride ourselves on quality products designed for dependable use for many years of return.
Factory Direct Options: We Have It in Stock!
We sell our certified reusable bags in two ways. You can either choose from our in stock selection or directly from our factory overseas. Our in stock bags display popular styles we had made up ahead of time. The main advantage of ordering through our in stock offerings is the extremely quick turnaround. You just need to select the bag style and color along with the imprint color, and you can have your finished reusable bags in about 2 weeks!
If you have the luxury of time, or if you want to design your own certified reusable bag, consider ordering direct from our overseas factory. The perk here is that you have complete control of the design process, and you know you are getting the lowest possible pricing. You can select the materials, size, handles, add pockets or zippers, choose the colors – just about anything you can dream up, we can do. Or maybe you really like the look or design or one of our in stock bags, but you just want to make a minor change. Not a problem.
When you work directly with our factory, you can have your certified reusable bags made to order. The fine print of working with our overseas factory is the 60 – 90 day turnaround. Just know that we always work to get orders to our clients as quickly as possible.
Another major perk of working with our factory is the price. In many instances, certified reusable bags directly from our factory will cost less than $1 per bag.
Choose Your Bag. Request a Quote.
The key to buying certified reusable bags directly from the manufacturer is working with us. Our quality is outstanding and something to be proud of and again, quality matters when you are investing in a marketing piece that could work for your brand for 3-5 years.
Reach out and get started HERE!
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