Saving Money at Work Makes as Much Sense as Saving Energy…Here’s How to Do Both
At SBS Brands, we work to not only provide useful services and products to the business community like print management, traditional and eco-friendly promotional products, B2B rebranding and website development and digital marketing services, we work very hard to provide useful tips and information that help make your workday and life better. Here on our SBS Brands blog, we will be sharing some of that great content from our other brands in hopes that our growing SBS Brands community will find value in it as well.
Last week, over at our Factory Direct Promos blog, our CMO Shane blogged about ways to save energy at work while keeping an eye on budget as well. It seems like these days we are all working on ways to keep costs down at work and going eco is an excellent way to do it.
Our Factory Direct Promos community is our newest addition to our SBS Brand’s family of companies and they are a very engaged group of business people who successfully market their brands with custom eco-friendly reusable bags and promo items. After we posted the article to our Factory Direct Promos Facebook page, one of our community members gave us a kind reminder about one of our ways to save on energy. Head over and take a look at this popular post by clicking HERE and feel free to add any ways you have found to save energy at work. No matter how small the idea, if we all work together, we can make an impact on saving energy and creating a more sustainable future.
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